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out of service d.o.t ticket,company driver

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March 8, 2008
Posts: 5

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i called my company told them i blew a fuse and every time i put a new one in ,it would blow...any ways speedomitter and air warning device was not working ,or any lights on my dash ,,,my dispatch and are shop said its ok to drive truck from las vegas ,to reno,to sanfran.. then to to get fixed are shop in claimed they had no one to cover the load ,d.o.t pulled me over just a few min later ,i had my four ways on ..they just asked why thy were on...i told them i was unaware they were on because my dash lights ect ..were not working ,he put me out of service ,and sited me for non working speedomiter and air warning device ...380 dollars ...any ways i spent 3 hours finding the short in the dash and sighed it off ..put myself back in service company never paid the ticket i paid it on the last day befor it went to warrent ,,,i beleave this is there ticket.... i was just doing what i was instrucked to do the truck this way...any feed back would be nice~thx

todd in,utah

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April 20, 2008
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`Doesn't matter if they had anybody to cover the load or not. That truck doesn't move until it's legal. PERIOD!

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March 8, 2008
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`well i just did what i was instrucked ..and that was to drive the truck that way ...and yes i should of probably just shut down ....but probably would not get miles for a while know how dispachers can be...
i like to try to make things happen ....some drivers just look for excuses to shut down....

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May 28, 2008
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.Now thats a bunch of bull,you just did as you were instructed to do.I feel they should have had to pay the ticket since it was there fault you got it.
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May 29, 2008
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`We are all faced with choices, and choices have consequences. If the company can't give you a truck that is legally operable then its your choice not to drive it. When a company won't consider your well being or safety, you have to step-up for yourself and say NO Thank YOU!. That load would not get delivered by me. Every dime you made probably went to the ticket and time sitting...your over 21, you knew the laws, you made the choice, your now paying the consequences as bad as it might be...A true learning lesson it was!

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March 8, 2008
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`thanks for all your reponses so far : ) yeah any ways... my company did take reponsiblity for the ticket only because i disclosed the problem to my company befor i got the ticket ,,,,and they told me to drive it that way so 380 ticket they payed me back yay me lucky me : )well if the truck had no brakes or major oil or fuel leak ,i would of shut her down....truck was driving fine just had no gages .....who need gages i am a pro : ) nahhhh i been driving from 1996 to now and still learn new things ,and trust me i lissen to to every one ... one time i was driving and a wind storm came up 70 90 mph winds i was in the mesquite gorge,az,nv wind snuck up on me trailer tires came off the ground on one side so i pulled trailer brake hard and hamered down ...that pulled my trailer back on the ground and as soon as it did i released the trailer break ...i did not learn that from a trucking school i learned that from a guy who pulled light loads my trailer was a i get to the utah port and 2 trucks were laying on there side in the parking lot.. it pays to lissen to some of these seasoned drivers

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April 3, 2007
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`Well if you are a seasoned driver you should know the LAW if the truck doesn't have all of it's safety features working then you don't mpve it period. You got lucky the Co paid the fine but they didn't have to. No one can force you to drive an unsafe truck. No alarm no speedo no dash lights= unsafe truck. Im just a rookie i know i have been doing this since the early 80's but no one tells me to drive an unsafe truck.

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March 16, 2011
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` It's your ticket, you moved it knowing of probs. i'd ask the company to reimburse you and change jobs if they don't

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`Your ticket bro,you knew the truck had problems and drove it anyway that makes you liable...Dispatch will always tell you to keep going what do they care its not thier license.Just remember your the captain of that ship not them.

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